Welcome to the Wild Heart Vision Quest.
April 2025 Quest will be guided by Lee Trew, Hannah Sylva and a group of trained Quest Protectors.
In the Quest you will face yourself, reconnect with your deeper wisdom and place yourself in the path of greater clarity about your purpose. This ceremony is one of the most powerful ways to transform. It’s simple, challenging and beautiful. It can flush up deep material. It helps you move through your personal story into a more connected place; with yourself, the environment and that which is greater than you.
All that’s required is a deep commitment to your whole self.
We will provide support before, during and after the Quest.
In the Quest you will be fasting from all things familiar. This includes food. People usually freak out a bit at the thought of four days without food, but in practice this is usually quite easy, and most people report that they didn’t struggle much with this part of the Quest, although they certainly enjoy the food we provide upon their return! If you have blood sugar issues you can of course take whatever you need to manage this.
The only things to take into your Quest circle are your soul questions, your commitment, and the items required for physical comfort (sleeping bag, tarp, wet weather gear, medications etc and water). We find that the purity of a Quest with no ‘props’ initiates a profound and deep spiritual transformation. We are interested in what happens when we break out of our habits and inhabit ourselves fully, finding out who we truly are and why we are here.
Lee, Gina and Hannah run Vision Quests in the lineage of Grandfather Stalking Wolf. The lineage runs through him to Tom Brown Junior and Malcolm Ringwalt. Lee and Gina have studied for over a decade with Tom and Malcolm in this lineage and as well as running Vision Quests have been accepted to train others, for those who wish to become Quest Protectors themselves after they have Quested. We are experienced Quest Protectors who have facilitated many Quests. We also run other programmes facilitating transformation.
There are no plant medicines involved in this ceremony, and drinking water is a requirement of this Quest.
This Vision Quest is for adults only. (We do run youth Quests as part of our Rites of Passage programmes with teenagers.)
The location is in the Budawang Wilderness Area on the south coast of NSW. If you put Yadboro Flat Campground into your GPS you will get the location of the property next door. Transport is by road, inland from Milton or Ulladulla. The nearest train station is at Bomaderry, and carpooling can often be arranged from the train, or from major cities.
Wild Heart and Bluegum Bushcraft acknowledge the traditional owners of the Budawangs, the Yuin nation.
We acknowledge the displaced indigenous custodians of all Australian country. We give respect to elders past present and emerging, and acknowledge that sovereignty of this land was never ceded.
April 2025 Quest will be guided by Lee Trew, Hannah Sylva and a group of trained Quest Protectors.
In the Quest you will face yourself, reconnect with your deeper wisdom and place yourself in the path of greater clarity about your purpose. This ceremony is one of the most powerful ways to transform. It’s simple, challenging and beautiful. It can flush up deep material. It helps you move through your personal story into a more connected place; with yourself, the environment and that which is greater than you.
All that’s required is a deep commitment to your whole self.
We will provide support before, during and after the Quest.
In the Quest you will be fasting from all things familiar. This includes food. People usually freak out a bit at the thought of four days without food, but in practice this is usually quite easy, and most people report that they didn’t struggle much with this part of the Quest, although they certainly enjoy the food we provide upon their return! If you have blood sugar issues you can of course take whatever you need to manage this.
The only things to take into your Quest circle are your soul questions, your commitment, and the items required for physical comfort (sleeping bag, tarp, wet weather gear, medications etc and water). We find that the purity of a Quest with no ‘props’ initiates a profound and deep spiritual transformation. We are interested in what happens when we break out of our habits and inhabit ourselves fully, finding out who we truly are and why we are here.
Lee, Gina and Hannah run Vision Quests in the lineage of Grandfather Stalking Wolf. The lineage runs through him to Tom Brown Junior and Malcolm Ringwalt. Lee and Gina have studied for over a decade with Tom and Malcolm in this lineage and as well as running Vision Quests have been accepted to train others, for those who wish to become Quest Protectors themselves after they have Quested. We are experienced Quest Protectors who have facilitated many Quests. We also run other programmes facilitating transformation.
There are no plant medicines involved in this ceremony, and drinking water is a requirement of this Quest.
This Vision Quest is for adults only. (We do run youth Quests as part of our Rites of Passage programmes with teenagers.)
The location is in the Budawang Wilderness Area on the south coast of NSW. If you put Yadboro Flat Campground into your GPS you will get the location of the property next door. Transport is by road, inland from Milton or Ulladulla. The nearest train station is at Bomaderry, and carpooling can often be arranged from the train, or from major cities.
Wild Heart and Bluegum Bushcraft acknowledge the traditional owners of the Budawangs, the Yuin nation.
We acknowledge the displaced indigenous custodians of all Australian country. We give respect to elders past present and emerging, and acknowledge that sovereignty of this land was never ceded.
The Quest programme starts at 2pm on Sat and finishes at noon on Sat.
Day one is arrival day, and all you need to do is get set up, land, have dinner and attend the first session after dinner.
Day two is the preparation day, with site prep and equipping you with the tools for Questing. How to work your Quest.
On the dawn of day three you will head out to your Quest site for your four day solo experience.
On the morning of the seventh day you will come back to camp and start a day of integration, grounding and reaquainting your body with food.
Day eight will be taken up with final sessions, integration, Q&A and camp pack up before leaving to go and live your vision (this is when the real quest begins).
Your preparation for the Quest officially starts from the moment you commit to the Quest (although for many of you, it has been bubbling along for some time!).
You may notice that your life gets more tumultuous leading up to the Quest. This is completely normal. Our experience is that as we commit to Quest, the material ready to be worked starts to move, which can be uncomfortable. That which is preparing to leave starts to be felt. You will have ample opportunity in the Quest to work with this material :)
To begin your Quest we invite you to start gathering questions you want answered. Big questions, deep questions. Imagine you could ask the Universe, God, Nature, Yoda, anything… and get answers. The answers you yearn for.
This collecting of questions gets the mind and the heart moving, brings your conscious and unconscious aspects into the process and gives you material to work with through the Quest. The more you put into the Quest, the more you receive from it.
Make this list as long as you want and as specific as you can. The more impassioned the better. Think about your questions as much as possible. This will generate the momentum to carry you through the Quest (You will not be asked to share these questions with anyone else. They are no one else’s business but yours).
The programme runs for 8 days, with 4 days and nights of actual Questing. During this time you will be solo, in a roughly ten foot circle in a place in the bush you choose (with our approval for safety). You will fast for the duration of the actual Quest. We will provide all the water you will need during the Quest, and your food before and after it.
Your only requirements for participation are:
We highly recommend you start limiting heavy foods (meat and dairy) from your diet starting now. Begin to fast at least one day a week, or for two or three days a week miss one meal, then two. This lets your body start to process the toxins in your body, and will make your Quest a LOT easier.
Ideally at least one two-day fast in the week before Quest.
Spend some time in the bush, go for a walk, spend some hours alone in the bush.
Plan and schedule at least 1-2 days off work immediately after your Quest. You'll be brand new, your internal reality will have shifted and transformed, and it's wise to create some time to map and integrate this new version of yourself. We'll go into this more as we get closer to Quest.
You’ll need to bring your camping gear for the days leading up to the Quest and when you return, and then your sleeping bag, mat and tarp for the actual days in your Quest circle. We provide all food before and after the Quest and give you extensive preparation in the lead up to the Quest so you are fully prepared and ready when you enter your Quest circle. There is a communication system so you can ask for things like toilet paper or more water during your Quest, but you will not have any contact with other humans during this time, until you return to main camp. The Quest Protectors will be checking this communication system twice a day to make sure you have everything you need.
There's a gear list at the bottom of this page (see below).
We’ll let you know the exact directions once you have signed up for the Quest.
Questers, we salute you. Vision Quest is not for everyone. It requires an extraordinary level of commitment to self-knowledge. By signing up to Quest you are giving yourself the opportunity to gain further clarity and insight into your sense of purpose in life, your greater calling; to heal your personal story and break through into a greater connection with all that is. We honour you on this journey and look forward to supporting your Quest. We are committed to providing a place and space for you to do whatever it is you came here to do. What that is, is none of our business. Our job is to create the environment for you to safely listen to your own call and do your soul’s work.
If you feel the deep call to Quest, (which is often overlaid with some very natural and normal anxiety) and have a knowing inside you that this is your next step, follow the link to apply, get started with your preparation, and feel free to get in touch with any questions.
Thanks and we hope to see you in the wild places,
Gina Chick and Lee Trew.
The Quest programme starts at 2pm on Sat and finishes at noon on Sat.
Day one is arrival day, and all you need to do is get set up, land, have dinner and attend the first session after dinner.
Day two is the preparation day, with site prep and equipping you with the tools for Questing. How to work your Quest.
On the dawn of day three you will head out to your Quest site for your four day solo experience.
On the morning of the seventh day you will come back to camp and start a day of integration, grounding and reaquainting your body with food.
Day eight will be taken up with final sessions, integration, Q&A and camp pack up before leaving to go and live your vision (this is when the real quest begins).
Your preparation for the Quest officially starts from the moment you commit to the Quest (although for many of you, it has been bubbling along for some time!).
You may notice that your life gets more tumultuous leading up to the Quest. This is completely normal. Our experience is that as we commit to Quest, the material ready to be worked starts to move, which can be uncomfortable. That which is preparing to leave starts to be felt. You will have ample opportunity in the Quest to work with this material :)
To begin your Quest we invite you to start gathering questions you want answered. Big questions, deep questions. Imagine you could ask the Universe, God, Nature, Yoda, anything… and get answers. The answers you yearn for.
This collecting of questions gets the mind and the heart moving, brings your conscious and unconscious aspects into the process and gives you material to work with through the Quest. The more you put into the Quest, the more you receive from it.
Make this list as long as you want and as specific as you can. The more impassioned the better. Think about your questions as much as possible. This will generate the momentum to carry you through the Quest (You will not be asked to share these questions with anyone else. They are no one else’s business but yours).
The programme runs for 8 days, with 4 days and nights of actual Questing. During this time you will be solo, in a roughly ten foot circle in a place in the bush you choose (with our approval for safety). You will fast for the duration of the actual Quest. We will provide all the water you will need during the Quest, and your food before and after it.
Your only requirements for participation are:
- Place a marker in a designated spot each morning (we will explain this).
- Drink water.
- If you are on prescription medications, take them.
We highly recommend you start limiting heavy foods (meat and dairy) from your diet starting now. Begin to fast at least one day a week, or for two or three days a week miss one meal, then two. This lets your body start to process the toxins in your body, and will make your Quest a LOT easier.
Ideally at least one two-day fast in the week before Quest.
Spend some time in the bush, go for a walk, spend some hours alone in the bush.
Plan and schedule at least 1-2 days off work immediately after your Quest. You'll be brand new, your internal reality will have shifted and transformed, and it's wise to create some time to map and integrate this new version of yourself. We'll go into this more as we get closer to Quest.
You’ll need to bring your camping gear for the days leading up to the Quest and when you return, and then your sleeping bag, mat and tarp for the actual days in your Quest circle. We provide all food before and after the Quest and give you extensive preparation in the lead up to the Quest so you are fully prepared and ready when you enter your Quest circle. There is a communication system so you can ask for things like toilet paper or more water during your Quest, but you will not have any contact with other humans during this time, until you return to main camp. The Quest Protectors will be checking this communication system twice a day to make sure you have everything you need.
There's a gear list at the bottom of this page (see below).
We’ll let you know the exact directions once you have signed up for the Quest.
Questers, we salute you. Vision Quest is not for everyone. It requires an extraordinary level of commitment to self-knowledge. By signing up to Quest you are giving yourself the opportunity to gain further clarity and insight into your sense of purpose in life, your greater calling; to heal your personal story and break through into a greater connection with all that is. We honour you on this journey and look forward to supporting your Quest. We are committed to providing a place and space for you to do whatever it is you came here to do. What that is, is none of our business. Our job is to create the environment for you to safely listen to your own call and do your soul’s work.
If you feel the deep call to Quest, (which is often overlaid with some very natural and normal anxiety) and have a knowing inside you that this is your next step, follow the link to apply, get started with your preparation, and feel free to get in touch with any questions.
Thanks and we hope to see you in the wild places,
Gina Chick and Lee Trew.
- A tent or whatever you need for camping accommodation before and after the Quest. (Hammocks and swags are fine.)
- Plate, bowl, cutlery and mug
- Sleeping gear (sleeping mat, sleeping bag… enough to be warm enough and comfortable enough that this won’t be a distraction. (No hammocks or swags in the quest area. If you think you need a swag, have a chat with us)
- Extra blanket (fasting and sitting can mean you feel the cold more than you expect)
- A sturdy green tarp 4m x 3m tarp as shelter against rain. (If we are in a wet weather cycle, an extra 3 x 3m tarp can be useful). Thin rope/strong string to attach it to trees. (and at least 8 solid pegs)
- Mosquito net
- Small trenching tool/trowel
- Toilet paper
- Head torch with spare batteries. (Test it before you come)
- Any medication you need. If you are on prescription meds you MUST take them during the Quest. Small first aid kit, including tweezers, tiny mirror, compression bandage, headache tablets
- Tampons/pads… even if the Quest is outside your cycle
- Ziplock bags for sanitary items
- Sun protection (hat and sunscreen)
- Weather protection (rain gear, spare socks)
- Warm clothes. Lots of warm clothes, more than you think you need - sensitivity to cold often increases during a fast
- Notebook and pen for preparation lectures.
- Really nice journal that you love for journalling after Quest. You'll be revisiting this over months and years, so make it a good one,
- Biodegradable personal item as giveaway, to hang on the staff, representing your commitment and energy. You won't get this back. (If you forget this you can always gather something from the environment like a leaf or a stone to hang on the staff.)
We'll stay in touch in the lead up to Quest, but this is enough to get you started on your journey. See you out in the wild places.
Wild Heart runs rewilding programmes on the NSW South Coast. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this whole area, the Dharawal, Jerrinja and Yuin people. We acknowledge traditional custodians of the entire continent. We ask permission to help people, in the ways that way can, to deepen into their relationships with the living earth and walk with respect and deep listening.