Power is not a dirty word, at least not this weekend! We use power to get our needs met. Most of us do it largely unconsciously, pushing and pulling, twisting and hooking in a constant energetic dance of action and reaction to the forces pulling and pushing at us.
We all have stories about power that we've absorbed from our parents, our culture, our lovers, our teachers, our ancestors, our friends. In this workshop we start to pull apart those stories to connect with our own instinctive voice. We look at the part that contorts to please others and the part that just pushes through.
We all have stories about power that we've absorbed from our parents, our culture, our lovers, our teachers, our ancestors, our friends. In this workshop we start to pull apart those stories to connect with our own instinctive voice. We look at the part that contorts to please others and the part that just pushes through.
With awareness we can call a single flame to warm a cold heart, a crackling fire to inspire a soul in need, a sharp blade to slice through untruth, a bow to loose the arrow of our intent into the sun, a cool breeze to soothe a hot edge.
By bringing awareness into our own power process and dancing through our shadow we begin to consciously create our reality, moving toward a life that is nourishing and rich. Ultimately, when we come from our centre, we use our power to bring our gifts into the world, living our purpose and vision.
By bringing awareness into our own power process and dancing through our shadow we begin to consciously create our reality, moving toward a life that is nourishing and rich. Ultimately, when we come from our centre, we use our power to bring our gifts into the world, living our purpose and vision.
To get to this place though, we need to take notice of our habits. Where our stories and judgements about power get in the way of our grace. We turn these lessons inside out to mine them for wisdom, and take responsibility for our own power and the consequences of our actions in the world.
This is a 5Rhythms® workshop, which means we use dance meditation to explore the myriad facets of our power. You don't need any experience, just a willingness to look inside and move what is true, in the company of a gorgeous tribe of fellow dancers, all committed to growth. You take it at your own pace.

Where: Drill Hall, 1C New Beach Rd Rushcutters Bay
Friday night 18 Oct open dance 630pm-9pm
Sat 19 - Sun 20 Oct 10am-5pm full workshop
Early bird price of $270 is until August 31
Full price is $320
Friday night open dance is $30 if you aren't doing the workshop
Where: Drill Hall, 1C New Beach Rd Rushcutters Bay
Friday night 18 Oct open dance 630pm-9pm
Sat 19 - Sun 20 Oct 10am-5pm full workshop
Early bird price of $270 is until August 31
Full price is $320
Friday night open dance is $30 if you aren't doing the workshop
My name is Gina Chick, although many people know me as Gigi. I have been teaching maps and archetypes of power for many years now. I came to this because I wanted to understand my own stuff around power, and because I couldn't find the maps I needed. So I researched the exquisite powerdance of shadow and light in myself in others, all over the world, and am still fascinated by what moves in these workshops.
I also run Vision Quests in the lineage of Grandfather Stalking Wolf, family rewilding camps called Rewild Your Child, women's retreats called Heart of the Huntress and 5Rhythms® retreats in Australia, NZ and in the northern hemisphere.
I am passionate about providing a clear space, for people to do their work, to take their next step, whatever it is. 5Rhythms® is one of the most powerful modalities for transformation I have encountered. I am super thrilled to be offering this workshop at the fantastic Drill Hall in Rushcutters Bay, Sydney!
Please get in touch if you have any questions, fill out the rego/enquiry form or email [email protected]
See you on the dance floor