Define yourself
Stand up for your truth
Embody your presence
And... let your pussy speak
Welcome to this three day 5Rhythms® Waves workshop in stunning Galicia: Pussy Says No, with Gina Chick and Catriona Mitchell.
(We know this is blindingly obvious, but it needs to be said anyway. A-hem. This is a workshop for women, exploring the territory of boundaries. If you have a pussy, you are welcome to join us.)
Are your boundaries beautifully defined or fuzzy?Are you clear on when you want to open a door, and when to close one? Do you act in alignment with your truth? Where do you draw a line? And in contrast, when do you give a resounding 'Yes!'?
In Pussy Says No we’ll explore what is means to fully honour and love ourselves, as women in a post #metoo world, through the boundary-setting process. We’ll get to know what our ‘yes’ and ‘no’ feel like in our bodies - as opposed to in our heads - when given full permission.
Specifically, we spend these days dancing to bring awareness into our habits, which, let's face it, can be quite sticky, glued into us from years of not feeling safe to have a voice, or being taught by Life that boundaries aren't respected.
This is where we begin to change that story, and take back our power. This is where pussy says no!
Stand up for your truth
Embody your presence
And... let your pussy speak
Welcome to this three day 5Rhythms® Waves workshop in stunning Galicia: Pussy Says No, with Gina Chick and Catriona Mitchell.
(We know this is blindingly obvious, but it needs to be said anyway. A-hem. This is a workshop for women, exploring the territory of boundaries. If you have a pussy, you are welcome to join us.)
Are your boundaries beautifully defined or fuzzy?Are you clear on when you want to open a door, and when to close one? Do you act in alignment with your truth? Where do you draw a line? And in contrast, when do you give a resounding 'Yes!'?
In Pussy Says No we’ll explore what is means to fully honour and love ourselves, as women in a post #metoo world, through the boundary-setting process. We’ll get to know what our ‘yes’ and ‘no’ feel like in our bodies - as opposed to in our heads - when given full permission.
Specifically, we spend these days dancing to bring awareness into our habits, which, let's face it, can be quite sticky, glued into us from years of not feeling safe to have a voice, or being taught by Life that boundaries aren't respected.
This is where we begin to change that story, and take back our power. This is where pussy says no!
Owning our ‘no’ isn’t always straightforward, especially if old conditioning has taught us to be ‘good’ or play it safe. It can be all too easy to give others what they want, rather than asking for what we want; or to feel guilty about saying ‘no’ for fear of hurting or disappointing another… and then to feel drained, hurt and resentful. Sometimes we walk around with a forcefield of 'no' around us, so nobody can get close, or use ‘no’ to build walls rather than bridges; and then find that it’s harder to soften, receive, to be a ‘yes’. Some of us crumble when we feel pushed, or push so we don't crumble. Who knew that such a simple thing could be so tangled?
And yet there is a deep wisdom in all women, a place where boundaries can be relaxed yet firm, clear yet open, where respect is given to us because we respect ourselves. In this wise knowing, our instincts lead the way and we move into yes and no with discernment, wisdom and grace. This is where we stand in embodied power. And this is where we can can have a smile on our faces, where we can laugh and dance, where we don't have to stay so serious, even while Pussy Says No.
Saying no can be so much fun! Saying no is an act of power. So let's dance into our yes and no together and explore what it's like when we let our pussies do the talking!

Pussy Says No is a powerful exploration; often moving through ancestral stories we carry in our lineage, as well as the lived experience in our own bodies. Thankfully, we do this together. We witness each other, hear each other's stories through the body and together we move into the tenderness of embodiment.
Using the 5Rhythms® Waves map, but with a special focus on the protective, defining energy of Staccato, we’ll connect with the raw power of being a woman. We’ll practice moving from our feminine power centre – the hips/pelvis/'pussy' – listening to what that incredibly wise, instinctive part of us really wants to say. And we’ll firmly, joyously, unapologetically, lovingly claim our truth, so we have the freedom to say yes to life, to love, to choose what we let in, so we can dance our passion and purpose.
This is a women-only workshop so we can take ourselves back to basics, a place where we can all feel safe, to unpick those stories we have been carrying around for so many years that they feel like they are part of us. The good news is... we have tools to help you dance into your healthy yes and healthy no. Tools to dance through those stories that have been keeping you stuck. A movement practice to help all of us learn together through our own dance, and by witnessing each other, help change the collective story of all women, so our mothers and daughters can reap the blessings.
It's so much fun to dance this with a room full of women! Come play! If you've never danced 5Rhythms® before, this is a gorgeous place to begin. You don't need to have experience, or be fit. Just be willing and curious and we'll guide you through the rest.
Cat and Gigi are Australian dancing sisters sharing a strong vision of feminine embodiment and Pussy Power.
We can't wait to share that vision with you. Because we know that only when women fully own our ‘no’ can we also embody our ‘Hell Yes!’ – and start living the life we truly want to lead.
Pussy Says No
with Gina Chick and Catriona Mitchell
- 13 to 15 December, 2020
- Full price $320, earlybird $295 by September 15, 2020
- Deposit of $150 to hold your place. Go to registration form link to register or ask questions.
- Counts as 3 days waves on 5Rhythms® teacher training path
Your Pussy Power Facilitators
Your Pussy Power Facilitators
Catriona Mitchell is a pussy powerhouse of passion and compassion, dedicated to helping women connect to their deepest feminine intelligence. She has been dancing 5Rhythms® for 20 years, and is fascinated by the stories held within a woman’s body, as well as by the raw creative energy that is unleashed through embodiment practice. An incurable world traveler, she is based in India, a country she adores for its music, dance, riotous colour and profound spirituality. She is the editor of a #2 bestselling book about the gender revolution in India (often listed as the most dangerous place on the planet to be a woman), called Walking Towards Ourselves: Indian Women Tell Their Stories (HarperCollins 2016); she also publishes interviews with inspirational global artists and thinkers, and runs a business focused on feminine thought leadership and creativity. Catriona helps women find their feet in the dance, their instinct in their “pussy”, their voice in the world, and their bubbling laughter when it's all just getting a bit too serious.
Gina Chick, also known as Gigi, has been running women's retreats for over two decades, culminating in her Heart of the Huntress workshops diving into archetypes of feminine power... all the different ways we can say yes and no. She is a wild woman with a big heart; barefoot and nomadic, she runs Rewilding programmes in the wilderness in Australia for adults and kids, is a 5Rhythms® teacher, and uses ancient feminine shamanism practices to help women come home to themselves. She delights in awakening the instinctive voice in women, that wild, wise creature in us all, who pads on paws and sniffs the wind, who can see around corners and knows how to trust herself first. She has mapped female archetypes of power as a result of her own journey learning how to be powerful and embodied in a female body, while staying true to the soft vulnerability we all carry in our hearts. She's been known to tell dirty jokes, loves breaking rules, and brings realness, honesty and compassion to her retreats, along with some cracking good music to keep you dancing.
With their collaboration for Pussy Says No, Catriona and Gigi weave a wickedly wild, safely swashbuckling, daringly divine partnership, inviting all women to tiptoe to our edges in a safe, held space, where we can perhaps give ourselves permission to look under the masks we have donned in the world to stay safe. Once we put down those masks, maybe we can realise that we all have the power of the feminine not as something to find but as something to remember. The power of wind and weather and earthquake and volcano. The power of the gentle stream and the wave tossed ocean. The power to create, to love, to live, to build, to cut, to leap, to hunt, to hide, to run, to face, to fly. The power to hold boundaries, to be discerning, to look inside, to dance what is true, and by loving everything that we find, to finally, blessedly, fall into the wisdom of our own hearts. To call ourselves home.