Oh, glorious sisters, do I have a treat for you!
It's a workshop called Goodbye Good Girl - Hello Wild Woman.
Who is the Good Girl?
The Good Girl is the gaoler of our Wild Woman. She locks up our primal essence in respectability and drowns us in obedience to all things external. When we are in her grasp we listen to the voices which tell us we should be quiet, be calm, not rock the boat and above all, behave well. Do the housework, the busywork, look after everyone else and put our own needs last. That we should dress appropriately and not make too much noise in the bedroom, let alone actually enjoy ourselves, or ask for what we need.
The Good Girl is the opposite of our Wild nature. She tames and suppresses the instinctive animal of our essence, and squashes our vitality down so deep we forget what it is to be free. If we look closely we can see her tight little footprints all over our wild and messy lives. And the thing is, this voice is not even our own. It was given to us.
And we can give it back
Are you sick of being imprisoned? Are the shackles getting so heavy that your weariness with Life threatens to drown you?
Have you forgotten what it is to scream aloud, to roll down a grassy hill, to swear like a fishwife, to stand in your power and say 'here and no further'? Or perhaps the Good Girl was given to you so early in life, by well meaning adults, that you have never truly flexed your wings.
Then wake now, my fine, furry sisters, and let your Wild nature start to stretch and yawn. No matter how deeply buried She may be, She is there, and She is itching to come out. There is no better time than now to choose a different way of being, to unlock your birthright and step fully into the powerful woman that you are. Let us look the Good Girl in the face and see her for what she is, a small and mean reflection of our true magnificent selves, designed to control us and keep us in place.
And then let us have a pyre.
For all those sisters whose Wild Woman hears the call of this journey, prepare to be deliciously stretched, to dance until the walls shake, to laugh until your face hurts, to share stories and sorrows and insights and dance what you find. Prepare to shine lights deep into your darkest places and discover that there are paths within paths and beautiful guides to sing you home to yourself.
So who's coming, my fine sisters? Who's up for a journey into the heart, and into our wild instincts? Who's ready to awaken eyes that can see around corners, ears that can hear a thunderstorm across the horizon, a nose that can smell falsehood and trickery. Who's ready to reclaim her will, her faith and her sexuality; raw and passionate and powerful?
When we free ourselves from the Good Girl we are unstoppable, our instincts are intact, we know what we need and how to get those needs met, and that being selfish isn't a curse, it is a glorious celebration of our true nature. We know that the only authority to listen to is our own.
I can't tell you your answers, or your purpose, or the meaning of your life. I can help awaken your instincts and give you fantastic tools to discover what is true and right for you.
I am soooo excited to be bringing this workshop to you.
So come play, beautiful women, come sniff deeply into your wild psyches, and if it feels right, kick that Good Girl to the kerb, and be free.
Love from my wild heart to yours
Gina Chick
Workshop format and logistics
The workshop runs from 10am-5pm Sat 22nd to Sun 23rd October.
Saturday night after dinner we will be having a fire ceremony to say farewell to our Good Girls.
Lunch will be from about 1-2pm each day. There are great shops on Bondi Rd for lunch and dinner, or bring your own.
Morning and afternoon tea are provided.
Your homework starts right now; you will need to create an effigy of your Good Girl to bring along; make her of cardboard, as big as you like, and attach to her anything that represents the Good Girl in your life. Photos, drawings, post it notes... cover her with everything you wish to release, and be as creative as you like. You will be calling on your own inner Kali to purify through fire whatever you create, so that new life may take its place.
You will also need to make a mask to bring along, one that represents how the Good Girl has clouded your vision and shaped your progress. How she has covered your eyes and limited your beliefs. It doesn't have to be extravagant, just paper is fine. Use the language of the heart; symbols and colour so that you know what this mask means, nobody else needs to. And if you are feeling extravagant, then bring that as well; this is a workshop of celebration, of Life, of saying yes to the feminine in all its bigness, in its rivers of grief, thundering rage, limitless ecstasy and oceans of mirth... as well as whatever is holding back the tide; the numbness, the quiet sorrow, the dark corners, the self judgement, the decades of imprisonment, the consequences of past choices.
We are made of many voices, and they are all welcome here.
What else do I bring?
Comfy clothes to dance in
Warm clothes for Saturday night ceremony
A personal item for the altar (you get this back)
Your Good Girl effigy (you definitely don't get this back!) (see main copy above for what this is)
Your Good Girl Mask (see main copy above for what this is)
Meditation shawl
Snacks/lunch/dinner (or purchase locally)
A notebook if you really need to write stuff down
You in all your light and shadow, your luscious multifaceted self. Every step you have taken to get to this moment is important, and was necessary. Bring it all. Bring your willingness to look into your own heart, your yearning for a connected, loving life and your desire for freedom.
What will we do?
Each workshop is different; I respond to the needs of the group in the moment, so we co-create the magic together, as a tribe of women.
All my workshops are highly experiential rather than theoretical. I teach real, embodied practices and tools that you can take with you.
We will definitely do dance/movement meditation (don't worry if you have never done this before; it's about how you feel not how you look)
We could also do any or all of these...
Meditation/shamanic healing journey (no plant medicine)
Sound healing
Guided personal explorations/ trauma healing techniques
Conscious tantrum (this is so much fun... giving anger a voice!)
Earth skills
Walking without ripples
Huntress Vision
Art therapy
Sacred Circle
Energy work
Generational healing
Role Play
Quest Walk
and a whole bunch of stuff that appears in the moment, because it is needed.
Where is it?
I am thrilled to be bringing this to OnespaceHQ, 66 Bondi Rd Bondi.
Where can I stay?
There are great hostels and airbnb options in the area, or if you are really stuck and need billeting, get in touch and let's see how the tribe responds. There's a facebook event page where you can put in carpool or billeting requests.
How do I book?
Email me at [email protected] with your full name, date of birth and why you want to do the workshop
Deposit $200 to secure your place; the balance is due 7 days before the workshop.
Gina Chick
bsb 016494
acct 598969157
Email me with any questions and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Love and a dingo howl
Gina Chick
The workshop runs from 10am-5pm Sat 22nd to Sun 23rd October.
Saturday night after dinner we will be having a fire ceremony to say farewell to our Good Girls.
Lunch will be from about 1-2pm each day. There are great shops on Bondi Rd for lunch and dinner, or bring your own.
Morning and afternoon tea are provided.
Your homework starts right now; you will need to create an effigy of your Good Girl to bring along; make her of cardboard, as big as you like, and attach to her anything that represents the Good Girl in your life. Photos, drawings, post it notes... cover her with everything you wish to release, and be as creative as you like. You will be calling on your own inner Kali to purify through fire whatever you create, so that new life may take its place.
You will also need to make a mask to bring along, one that represents how the Good Girl has clouded your vision and shaped your progress. How she has covered your eyes and limited your beliefs. It doesn't have to be extravagant, just paper is fine. Use the language of the heart; symbols and colour so that you know what this mask means, nobody else needs to. And if you are feeling extravagant, then bring that as well; this is a workshop of celebration, of Life, of saying yes to the feminine in all its bigness, in its rivers of grief, thundering rage, limitless ecstasy and oceans of mirth... as well as whatever is holding back the tide; the numbness, the quiet sorrow, the dark corners, the self judgement, the decades of imprisonment, the consequences of past choices.
We are made of many voices, and they are all welcome here.
What else do I bring?
Comfy clothes to dance in
Warm clothes for Saturday night ceremony
A personal item for the altar (you get this back)
Your Good Girl effigy (you definitely don't get this back!) (see main copy above for what this is)
Your Good Girl Mask (see main copy above for what this is)
Meditation shawl
Snacks/lunch/dinner (or purchase locally)
A notebook if you really need to write stuff down
You in all your light and shadow, your luscious multifaceted self. Every step you have taken to get to this moment is important, and was necessary. Bring it all. Bring your willingness to look into your own heart, your yearning for a connected, loving life and your desire for freedom.
What will we do?
Each workshop is different; I respond to the needs of the group in the moment, so we co-create the magic together, as a tribe of women.
All my workshops are highly experiential rather than theoretical. I teach real, embodied practices and tools that you can take with you.
We will definitely do dance/movement meditation (don't worry if you have never done this before; it's about how you feel not how you look)
We could also do any or all of these...
Meditation/shamanic healing journey (no plant medicine)
Sound healing
Guided personal explorations/ trauma healing techniques
Conscious tantrum (this is so much fun... giving anger a voice!)
Earth skills
Walking without ripples
Huntress Vision
Art therapy
Sacred Circle
Energy work
Generational healing
Role Play
Quest Walk
and a whole bunch of stuff that appears in the moment, because it is needed.
Where is it?
I am thrilled to be bringing this to OnespaceHQ, 66 Bondi Rd Bondi.
Where can I stay?
There are great hostels and airbnb options in the area, or if you are really stuck and need billeting, get in touch and let's see how the tribe responds. There's a facebook event page where you can put in carpool or billeting requests.
How do I book?
Email me at [email protected] with your full name, date of birth and why you want to do the workshop
Deposit $200 to secure your place; the balance is due 7 days before the workshop.
Gina Chick
bsb 016494
acct 598969157
Email me with any questions and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Love and a dingo howl
Gina Chick