Power to the Powerless in these strange days
It’s six months and eternity since a tiny microbe changed our world forever. Our lives as we know them simply switched tracks, whether we like it or not (mostly not). Most of us have been going through the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Many of us hunkered down to wait it out, thinking it would be a month or two or maybe three, and then the storm would blow over.
The storm hasn’t blown over, instead, it has encompassed the whole world. We are having to learn to live in days of new global weather, looking at months and years of these changes.
Most of us are wrestling with a new feeling in our day to day lives.
Our freedoms have been curtailed, incomes shattered, travel options limited and many of the things we’ve taken for granted our whole lives have simply vanished. Hope can be in short supply. So how do we find meaning, how do we find our power when it feels like our power has been squashed from us in no many ways? How do we find real, honest power in new ways when the old ways aren't working any more?
How do I behave when Life brings forces that are beyond my control? What choices can I make when my choices are taken away from me? How can I create choice, create options, find paths that were previously hidden? How can I create a life of meaning and nourishment by using my power with awareness and insight?
This is a special online workshop diving into an exploration of power tailored for these times. We’re turning our lens toward archetypes of power as they play out in our everyday relationships, to give a map to understand how and why we respond the way we do when we feel at the mercy of others. In the end the force is not the issue. How we choose to respond is where our true power lies. When something bigger than us is forcing us along a certain track, especially when it is one we don’t want to travel down, how do we find our way?
The map of power archetypes focuses on the ways we unconsciously get our needs met, so we can finally shed light on the speedbumps and potholes we keep running into on our road of Life. And in these strange days, we will look at how to have power, how to wield it with awareness, how to increase our choices.
It’s six months and eternity since a tiny microbe changed our world forever. Our lives as we know them simply switched tracks, whether we like it or not (mostly not). Most of us have been going through the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Many of us hunkered down to wait it out, thinking it would be a month or two or maybe three, and then the storm would blow over.
The storm hasn’t blown over, instead, it has encompassed the whole world. We are having to learn to live in days of new global weather, looking at months and years of these changes.
Most of us are wrestling with a new feeling in our day to day lives.
Our freedoms have been curtailed, incomes shattered, travel options limited and many of the things we’ve taken for granted our whole lives have simply vanished. Hope can be in short supply. So how do we find meaning, how do we find our power when it feels like our power has been squashed from us in no many ways? How do we find real, honest power in new ways when the old ways aren't working any more?
How do I behave when Life brings forces that are beyond my control? What choices can I make when my choices are taken away from me? How can I create choice, create options, find paths that were previously hidden? How can I create a life of meaning and nourishment by using my power with awareness and insight?
This is a special online workshop diving into an exploration of power tailored for these times. We’re turning our lens toward archetypes of power as they play out in our everyday relationships, to give a map to understand how and why we respond the way we do when we feel at the mercy of others. In the end the force is not the issue. How we choose to respond is where our true power lies. When something bigger than us is forcing us along a certain track, especially when it is one we don’t want to travel down, how do we find our way?
The map of power archetypes focuses on the ways we unconsciously get our needs met, so we can finally shed light on the speedbumps and potholes we keep running into on our road of Life. And in these strange days, we will look at how to have power, how to wield it with awareness, how to increase our choices.

It's easy to get lost in the global picture, but to change our relationship with power we need to bring everything back to our own lives and our own stories. Our own histories. Once we understand the map we can apply it to everything from the micro: relationships with parents, partners, kids, bosses, friends, and strangers; to the macro: huge social forces, weather events, government policies and global pandemics.
The thing is, we all use power to get our needs met. Most of us do it largely unconsciously, pushing and pulling, twisting and hooking in a constant energetic dance of action and reaction to the forces pulling and pushing at us. Most of us choose from decisions we made about our world when we were very very young. In this workshop we get to grow up, so we can choose our strategies with insight and wisdom. Now we we can impact our world, help others, find faultlines where we can apply the leverage to make a difference, personally, in our communities, and globally. Now we find the path of true choice.
The thing is, we all use power to get our needs met. Most of us do it largely unconsciously, pushing and pulling, twisting and hooking in a constant energetic dance of action and reaction to the forces pulling and pushing at us. Most of us choose from decisions we made about our world when we were very very young. In this workshop we get to grow up, so we can choose our strategies with insight and wisdom. Now we we can impact our world, help others, find faultlines where we can apply the leverage to make a difference, personally, in our communities, and globally. Now we find the path of true choice.
The first day of the workshop looks at our personal histories and the map of power archetypes, developed over years by Gina Chick. This map will change they way you think about power, forever.
The second day extrapolates what we've learned out to a global exploration of how to have power in these times, to create a life that works, where we can bring awareness into our own power process, to consciously create our reality, moving toward a life that is nourishing and rich.
Now, more than ever, we need powerful tools to adapt. Our power habits show us where our stories and judgements about power get in the way of our grace. We turn these lessons inside out to mine them for wisdom, and take responsibility for our own power and the consequences of our actions in the world. This workshop will give you a map to move with clarity, wisdom, precision and choice, no matter what.
Ultimately, when we come from our centre, we use our power to bring our gifts into the world, living our purpose and vision. Even in these strange days. Especially in these strange days.
There will be at least two 5rhythms® movement sessions each day, so we get to embody these tools, rather than just talking about them. You don't need any experience, just a willingness to look inside and move what is true, in the company of a gorgeous tribe of fellow dancers, all committed to growth. You take it at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home.

Where: Zoom
Friday night 25 Sep open power discussion and open dance 6-8pm
Sat 26 - Sun 77 Sep 10am-5pm full workshop
Early bird price of $190 is until Sep 11 (for everyone)
Full price after Sep 11 is $250
Scholarship after Sep 11 $220
Friday night discussion and dance is $20 if you aren't doing the workshop
Scholarship Friday night $12
Where: Zoom
Friday night 25 Sep open power discussion and open dance 6-8pm
Sat 26 - Sun 77 Sep 10am-5pm full workshop
Early bird price of $190 is until Sep 11 (for everyone)
Full price after Sep 11 is $250
Scholarship after Sep 11 $220
Friday night discussion and dance is $20 if you aren't doing the workshop
Scholarship Friday night $12
My name is Gina Chick, although many people know me as Gigi. I have been teaching maps and archetypes of power for many years now. I came to this because I wanted to understand my own stuff around power, and because I couldn't find the maps I needed. So I researched the exquisite powerdance of shadow and light in myself in others, all over the world, and am still fascinated by what moves in these workshops.
I also run Vision Quests in the lineage of Grandfather Stalking Wolf, family rewilding camps called Rewild Your Child, and have been facilitating women's retreats called Heart of the Huntress and 5Rhythms® retreats in Australia, NZ and in the northern hemisphere. Now that COVID has shut down travel, I run bespoke wilderness Survival Quests and online 5Rhythms and Rewilding workshops.
I am passionate about providing a clear space, for people to do their work, to take their next step, whatever it is. I love the map of archetypes of power, and 5Rhythms® is one of the most powerful modalities for transformation I have encountered. I am super thrilled to be offering this workshop to give people tools of resilience, right when we need them most.
Please get in touch if you have any questions, fill out the rego/enquiry form or email [email protected]
See you soon,