Know Your Power
This power filled 5Rhythms® retreat is for anyone who wants to understand and embody their own power in the world, not as a new age concept, but as a real tool for creating a life that works.
Power is not a dirty word, at least not in this workshop! We all use power to get our needs met. Most of us do it largely unconsciously, pushing and pulling, twisting and hooking in a constant dance of action and reaction as we respond to life's forces pulling and pushing at us.
We have stories about power that we've absorbed from our parents, our culture, our lovers, our teachers, our ancestors. In this workshop we start to pull apart those stories to connect with our own instinctive voice. We look at the part that contorts to please others and the part that just pushes through.
By bringing awareness into our own power process and dancing through our shadow we begin to consciously create our reality, moving toward a life that is nourishing and rich. Working with specific archetypes we find clarity about our power strategies so we can. Ultimately, when we come from our centre, we use our power to bring our gifts into the world, living our purpose and vision.
With awareness we can call a single flame to warm a cold heart, a crackling fire to inspire a soul in need, a sharp blade to slice through untruth, a bow to loose the arrow of our intent into the sun, a cool breeze to soothe a rough mood.
To get to this place though, we need to take notice of our habits. Where our stories and judgements about power get in the way of our grace. We turn these lessons inside out to mine them for wisdom, and take responsibility for our own power and the consequences of our actions in the world.
This is a 5Rhythms® Waves workshop, which means we use dance meditation to explore the myriad facets of our power. You don't need any experience, just a willingness to look inside and move what is true, in the company of a gorgeous tribe of fellow dancers, all committed to growth. You take it at your own pace.
5 Rhythms® movement and dance meditation is one of the most powerful tools for transformation I have encountered in three decades of a planet-wide personal healing journey.
It is so beautifully simple; there are no 'moves', there is no way of getting it wrong, it is simply about dancing what is true, with freedom and permission, whatever that looks like. You just turn up and be you, in all your messy glory, and move what is there.
In the process, the stuck and wounded parts of us can come up to be moved, and we can leave our crap on the dance floor. On the other side of that is freedom!
So come and dance into your own wild, wise self, in a safe and gentle container, with other journeying souls, for six nights.
This retreat is a 5 full day exploration of the Waves map, into the delicious wisdom of your energy as it moves through your body in your own perfect rhythm, your own perfect song.
It doesn’t matter if you have never danced 5 Rhythms®, that’s the beauty of this practice. If you can walk you can dance. And if you ask the 87 year old great grandmother who danced for four days in her chair, you don’t even need to be able to walk!
There will be a private FB group for registered participants giving some preparatory homework for anyone really keen to get the most out of this weekend. Totally optional, just for those who are called to dig deep.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Lots of love
Inside each and every person is a guiding principle, a wild instinctive voice which knows who and what we truly are and why we are here. This voice has the ability to make decisions that can lead us toward a healthy, nourishing life. If we listen. If we let it. If we trust ourselves.
In this workshop we reject all gurus bar the teaching of our own innate wisdom and our own moving body. Our bodies contain all the information we need.
By falling inside and listening to our instinctive voice, we give it power, learn to trust it and feed back our own experience into its teachings, gathering our wisdom and moving into our personal power.
This power filled 5Rhythms® retreat is for anyone who wants to understand and embody their own power in the world, not as a new age concept, but as a real tool for creating a life that works.
Power is not a dirty word, at least not in this workshop! We all use power to get our needs met. Most of us do it largely unconsciously, pushing and pulling, twisting and hooking in a constant dance of action and reaction as we respond to life's forces pulling and pushing at us.
We have stories about power that we've absorbed from our parents, our culture, our lovers, our teachers, our ancestors. In this workshop we start to pull apart those stories to connect with our own instinctive voice. We look at the part that contorts to please others and the part that just pushes through.
By bringing awareness into our own power process and dancing through our shadow we begin to consciously create our reality, moving toward a life that is nourishing and rich. Working with specific archetypes we find clarity about our power strategies so we can. Ultimately, when we come from our centre, we use our power to bring our gifts into the world, living our purpose and vision.
With awareness we can call a single flame to warm a cold heart, a crackling fire to inspire a soul in need, a sharp blade to slice through untruth, a bow to loose the arrow of our intent into the sun, a cool breeze to soothe a rough mood.
To get to this place though, we need to take notice of our habits. Where our stories and judgements about power get in the way of our grace. We turn these lessons inside out to mine them for wisdom, and take responsibility for our own power and the consequences of our actions in the world.
This is a 5Rhythms® Waves workshop, which means we use dance meditation to explore the myriad facets of our power. You don't need any experience, just a willingness to look inside and move what is true, in the company of a gorgeous tribe of fellow dancers, all committed to growth. You take it at your own pace.
5 Rhythms® movement and dance meditation is one of the most powerful tools for transformation I have encountered in three decades of a planet-wide personal healing journey.
It is so beautifully simple; there are no 'moves', there is no way of getting it wrong, it is simply about dancing what is true, with freedom and permission, whatever that looks like. You just turn up and be you, in all your messy glory, and move what is there.
In the process, the stuck and wounded parts of us can come up to be moved, and we can leave our crap on the dance floor. On the other side of that is freedom!
So come and dance into your own wild, wise self, in a safe and gentle container, with other journeying souls, for six nights.
This retreat is a 5 full day exploration of the Waves map, into the delicious wisdom of your energy as it moves through your body in your own perfect rhythm, your own perfect song.
It doesn’t matter if you have never danced 5 Rhythms®, that’s the beauty of this practice. If you can walk you can dance. And if you ask the 87 year old great grandmother who danced for four days in her chair, you don’t even need to be able to walk!
There will be a private FB group for registered participants giving some preparatory homework for anyone really keen to get the most out of this weekend. Totally optional, just for those who are called to dig deep.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Lots of love
Inside each and every person is a guiding principle, a wild instinctive voice which knows who and what we truly are and why we are here. This voice has the ability to make decisions that can lead us toward a healthy, nourishing life. If we listen. If we let it. If we trust ourselves.
In this workshop we reject all gurus bar the teaching of our own innate wisdom and our own moving body. Our bodies contain all the information we need.
By falling inside and listening to our instinctive voice, we give it power, learn to trust it and feed back our own experience into its teachings, gathering our wisdom and moving into our personal power.
Movement as Medicine
5 Rhythms® movement and dance meditation is one of the most powerful tools for transformation I have encountered in three decades of a planet-wide personal healing journey.
It is so beautifully simple; there are no 'moves', there is no way of getting it wrong, it is simply about dancing what is true, with freedom and permission, whatever that looks like. You just turn up and be you, in all your messy glory, and move what is there.
In the process, the stuck and wounded parts of us can come up to be moved, and we can leave our crap on the dance floor. On the other side of that is freedom!
So come and dance into your own wild, wise self, in a safe and gentle container, with other journeying souls, for six nights.
This retreat is a 5 full day exploration of the Waves map, into the delicious wisdom of your energy as it moves through your body in your own perfect rhythm, your own perfect song.
It doesn’t matter if you have never danced 5 Rhythms®, that’s the beauty of this practice. If you can walk you can dance. And if you ask the 87 year old great grandmother at the last retreat, who danced for four days in her chair, you don’t even need to be able to walk!
5 Rhythms® movement and dance meditation is one of the most powerful tools for transformation I have encountered in three decades of a planet-wide personal healing journey.
It is so beautifully simple; there are no 'moves', there is no way of getting it wrong, it is simply about dancing what is true, with freedom and permission, whatever that looks like. You just turn up and be you, in all your messy glory, and move what is there.
In the process, the stuck and wounded parts of us can come up to be moved, and we can leave our crap on the dance floor. On the other side of that is freedom!
So come and dance into your own wild, wise self, in a safe and gentle container, with other journeying souls, for six nights.
This retreat is a 5 full day exploration of the Waves map, into the delicious wisdom of your energy as it moves through your body in your own perfect rhythm, your own perfect song.
It doesn’t matter if you have never danced 5 Rhythms®, that’s the beauty of this practice. If you can walk you can dance. And if you ask the 87 year old great grandmother at the last retreat, who danced for four days in her chair, you don’t even need to be able to walk!
Details for the 6 night 7 day jungle retreat
Arrival on March 15th from 2pm
Workshop March 16th - 20th
Departure March 21st 2pm
Sattvaland: Mile 21 on the Hummingbird Highway, Stann Creek, Belize.
Arrival on March 15th from 2pm
Workshop March 16th - 20th
Departure March 21st 2pm
Sattvaland: Mile 21 on the Hummingbird Highway, Stann Creek, Belize.
Accommodation and Prices. All prices per person:
The Stone House is literally a castle built in the middle of the jungle. his shared home is a truly unique experience. The space hosts 4 beds and an eco-chic outdoor stone bathroom to make your stay in the jungle feel like a fairytale. (The castle has a small steep walk to get to it and stairs, so if you have physical limitations this probably isn't the best option for you.)
$1290 USD share in the Stone House. Earlybird - Dec 20 $1150 Super EB - Sep 30 $1090
$1390 USD for semi private loft Earlybird - Dec 20 $1250 Super EB - Sep 30 $1180
$950 USD for twin share in the loft Earlybird - Dec 20 $890 Super EB - Sep 30 $840
The Garden House
This is a gorgeous bohemian style wooden house situated in the middle of the Sattva Land gardens. Offering 3 double rooms, shared outdoor bathrooms and composting toilets, the Garden House is the perfect place to retreat on a budget, in style.
$1570 USD for twin share in the Garden House. Earlybird - Dec 20 $1400. SuperEB - Sep 30 $1250
$1940 USD for private room in the Garden House Earlybird -Dec 20 $1750 SuperEB - Sep 30 $1540
The Shala Cabins
Sattva offers 3 of these STUNNING luxury Eco-luxury cabins with views of the jungle, plenty of room and amazing outdoor bathrooms, complete with zen gardens. There are 2 single beds in each room, making the perfect treat for you and your bestie, or a private Queen room for you and your partner. (It's well worth coming in early or staying late after the workshop to extend your time in Sattvaland).
$1690 USD for twin share in Shala Cabins. Earlybird - Dec 20 $1520 SuperEB - Sep 30 $1430
$1650 USD for three share in Shala Cabins Earlybird - Dec 20 $1480 SuperEB - Sep 30 $1400
Contact us for private Queen rates.
What's included:
6 nights accommodation in the gorgeous jungle retreat
3 amazing vegetarian meals per day from the permaculture community on this land
5 full days of workshop (counting as 6 days Waves on the 5Rhythms TT path)
Excursion/adventure to local cave and/or waterfall, to dance into the wild beauty of nature, accompanied by drums and the beating of your own heart.
Dance sessions with local drummers
A luxurious afternoon to arrive and land, then a relaxed morning to gather yourself together to transition back into the world. Aaah, spaciousness.
Transit info.
Either fly into Belize airport, and take a shuttle that we organise from there. Shuttle one way for a single $125. Shared shuttles become much cheaper.
Or, from Belize there's an option to get a short domestic flight (15min) to Dangriga. We recommend taking the internal flight to Dangriga from Belize airport, it's a lovely view of the country and means only a short ride to get to Sattvaland.
From Dangriga is a 30min taxi ride to Sattva. (approx. $50 USD)
Click the link to this flight: https://www.mayaislandair.com/
How do I join the Powerful retreat?
There's a $500 USD deposit to hold your place and secure the earlybird price. From there you can pay the balance off as you need. Simply fill in this contact form and we'll give you details to make your deposit and secure the earlybird rate, or answer any questions you may have. Or you can email us at [email protected]

About the facilitator
Gina Chick
For those of you who haven't met me yet...
My name is Gina Chick (but most people know me as Gigi). I'm an international facilitator in transformation, using many, many modalities. I'm fascinated with wildness in all its forms, haven't worn shoes in about six years, live in a bus and spend many months of the year in the wilderness, sleeping next to a fire and yes, sometimes even cuddling baby wombats. How gorgeous is that critter?!
I also devote myself to helping people remember who and what they truly are, and with love and presence, guiding them home to their own beautiful, painful, messy, wonderful truths, while sharing tools to help move any of the stuck places holding them away from Life. For me it's all about being real, no bullshit, no guru trips. Saying yes to everything that life brings. Mining the lessons for blessings. Listening to the call of the wild soul, and learning to dance to its tune. Welcoming every person to stretch their wings, be big, be bold, be allowed, be magnificent, be small, be stuck, be flawed, be true. In my reality, we are all creators and creatrixes... the only thing limiting us is our myriad beliefs and judgements, and the simple, dastardly human movement of making everything mean something. We are the prison and we are the key. I am passionately dedicated to helping people find the unique combination lock that is an unfurling human growing in divine rightness. What a journey. What an honour.
I offer international Heart of the Huntress retreats exploring feminine archetypes of power through archery and all round deep diving juicy women's work and 5Rhythms. These workshops are awesome and impossible to describe.
I also run family and adult Rewilding camps in Australia, teach primitive survival and shamanic skills, and run regular Vision Quests in the lineage of Grandfather Stalking Wolf. I teach Quest Protector and Seven Levels of Quest in that same lineage.
I am an accredited 5 Rhythms® dance and movement meditation teacher, a breathworker, bodyworker and shamanic healer, using pure Awareness as a shamanic path. I've had a healing business for thirty years, and travelled the world for this time collecting tools for transformation that work.
I am constantly doing my own homework, dying to my picture of myself, looking inside and dancing what I find, especially the icky, nasty bits. And if I miss something, I have great friends who call me on my crap, thank goodness.
I bring all of these skills and tools to my workshops with a liberal dose of humour, profanity and the occasional pillow fight. I am deeply committed to providing a safe container for transformational work, and respecting the internal authority of every single person, always. That's you. Your sovereignty matters. It is sacred.
You take things at your pace. You choose which stepping stones to move to, and how long to stay on them. Your journey is uniquely personal and your timing is your own. My job is to open the doors of possibility and to hold the container while you choose which doors you go through. What you do once you go through the door is up to you, and none of my business. My job is to support you in your journey and to guide you when you ask, providing tools that have been proven to work for me, and if they work for you as well, awesome! And if not, just discard them. You take what you need, when you need it, gathering your own information, feeding your own library of wisdom. You heal yourself and are empowered in the process.
I am interested in helping you find your own wisdom, whatever that looks like. I love that we each have our own unique fingerprint. The only dance you can ever do is your own. What a relief.
If you want to know more, get in touch; [email protected], or just come along and be danced. At this workshop you are free to be utterly yourself. You can't get it wrong. You can be tender and quiet, or big and bold. There is space for you to be you, and be loved exactly as you are, whatever your shape. Together we weave a basket and within it we dance our way home, to the beautiful song of our own wild instinct.
Lots of love from my wild heart to yours,